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Skincare Rituals for Self Care: Pampering Yourself Inside and Out

Published: July 30, 2023

woman in bath

The concept of self care really came into its own during the Covid-19 pandemic, and it’s one that’s clearly here to stay. Now that so many people have witnessed how self care is capable of improving both mental well-being as well as overall physical health, it’s a practice that is becoming firmly integrated into modern-day life.

Of course, a big part of self care is skincare. Giving your skin the love that it deserves will not only enhance your complexion but will also leave you feeling calmer and more confident. So, read on as CBGärdN shares some of the best skincare rituals that will have you feeling totally pampered inside and out.

Double Cleansing

One of the most effective skincare rituals out there is the double cleanse. Not only does this feel ultra satisfying to carry out, but it also does the skin a world of good.

Never tried double cleansing before?

It’s exactly what it sounds like; cleansing your skin twice, instead of just once. The purpose behind this practice is to give the skin a much more thorough cleanse. Here’s how to do just that:

How to Double Cleanse

CBGöld Cleansing Elixir Kit

Start with an oil-based cleanser to remove excess sebum, sunscreen, and other greasy impurities from your face. Then, apply a water-based cleanser, like the CB Facial Cleanser, to get rid of any other pollutants and impurities, along with any residue that has been left behind from the oil-based cleanser.

To elevate your new cleansing regimen even more, follow up your double cleanse with a hydrating toner. The CB Facial Toner is perfect for this. With sodium hyaluronate, niacinamide, and nettle leaf extract, this toner will ensure that your skin’s pH feels rebalanced after its double cleanse while also giving your skin an extra dose of moisture and antioxidants. 


One of the most common self care-related skincare rituals is using a face mask. After all, not only are face masks loaded with high concentrations of actives that can really transform the complexion after just a single use, but they also feel incredibly soothing and relaxing, making them great for your mental well-being too.

How to Multi-Mask

purifying heating mask

While using a single face mask is undeniably beneficial, multi-masking is a practice that will take your masking session to the next level. It involves using two or more face masks at the same time. You can either apply each mask to different areas of your face or you can layer multiple masks over the top of each other. Either way, since each face mask formula is usually designed to tackle a specific range of visible skin concerns, using multiple masks will enable you to work on a variety of your skin problems at the same time.

The secret to ensuring the success of this ritual is to pick face masks that play well together. Ideally, you want to choose face masks that are designed to be applied in a similar way and then left on the skin for similar amounts of time.

If you still aren’t sure how to get started, CBGärdN has two face masks that lend themselves extremely well to multi-masking. The CBDGöld Imperial Transforming Masque, which can be found in our CBDGöld Collection, is one. This mask has been designed to leave the skin feeling softer and smoother, with fine lines and wrinkles becoming less noticeable. To use this mask, you simply apply the product to your chosen areas of skin before waiting for ten minutes and then rinsing it off.

The application process for the CB Göld Purifying Heating Mask is the same, which is why these two masks are a great combination when multi-masking. That said, this mask is all about detoxifying, rejuvenating, and brightening the complexion. So, apply it to the dull and congested areas of your skin, while using the CBDGöld Imperial Transforming Masque on any areas that are displaying visible signs of skin aging.

At-Home Facials

There’s no denying how soothing a facial can be. This is one of those skincare rituals that people turn to when their skin could do with some extra TLC, often heading to a professional establishment to have their facial carried out.

While a professional facial can be extremely beneficial, there are ways in which you can replicate the experience at home. In many ways, this can often feel even more relaxing…

How to Indulge in an At-Home Facial

Microexfoliant peel

The first step in any facial is to cleanse the skin. Ideally, use the double cleansing method shared earlier to ensure that every single impurity is removed from the surface of your skin.

After this, it’s time for a steam. Of course, if you suffer from rosacea, severe dryness, or extreme sensitivities, then you’ll want to give this a miss. However, for everyone else, a steam is a great way to relax your pores to encourage them to release any trapped sebum or dirt. At the same time, it will also boost your circulation while giving your skin some extra hydration.

A DIY face steamer is easy enough to make. However, since this involves placing your face in close proximity to boiling water, any splashes or accidents can be extremely dangerous. The safer way to go about this would be to invest in a facial steaming machine.

Once you’re done steaming, it’s time to exfoliate your skin. While it’s true that some people choose to exfoliate before a steam, it can actually be far more advantageous to save this step for after. This way, you’ll be able to remove all of the impurities that were loosened from your pores during the steaming process.

The CB Microexfoliant Peel does this well. Its gentle, gel-like consistency will clear away any unwanted particles from your face while the nettle leaf extract in the formula will treat your skin to a hefty dose of antioxidants.

After exfoliation comes a face mask, making now a great time to try the multi-masking ritual we shared above. Once that’s done, moisturize your skin and rejoice in how soft and supple it feels!

Love Your Body

Most of the self care skincare rituals that you hear about focus on the face. After all, the face tends to always be on show, so you want it to look its very best.

That said, the skin on your body deserves some love too. Sure, it may be thicker and stronger than the skin on your face, but it would still really benefit from some TLC.

How to Show the Skin on Your Body Some Love

Essential Body Scrub

Body care begins in the shower. Start by using a gentle body wash. Many of the body wash formulas out there are packed with sulfates and other skin-stripping preservatives. These definitely won’t do your skin any favors. So, look for a mild formula that will cleanse your skin without drying it out.

Once the surface of your skin is clean, you can then apply an exfoliant. We love the CB Essential Body Scrub for this. It’s a salt-based scrub, with salt being one of the best ingredients out there for exfoliating the skin due to its natural mineral content. This exfoliant is also infused with vitamin E and nettle leaf extract. They’ll ensure that your skin barrier feels strong and supported, giving the skin on your body a touchably soft finish.

Once you step out of the shower, gently pat your body down with a towel. However, don’t dry it off completely. The next step is to apply a body cream or butter and, ideally, your skin should still be damp while you do so. This allows your body cream to trap in all of the extra water molecules that are sitting on the surface of your skin. This means that, instead of evaporating, they’ll be pushed into your skin to give it some extra moisture.

The CB Lavish Body Butter is the perfect formula for sealing all of this extra moisture in. With argan oil, nettle leaf extract, and glycerin, this buttery cream feels super hydrating on the skin. It absorbs quickly too, leaving the skin on the body feeling silky and supple.

Focus on Your Eye Area

Many people include their eye area in their regular skincare routine, and there’s nothing wrong with this. However, if you’re looking for some new skincare rituals to add to your daily regimen, then focusing on your eye area would be a great starting point.

Research confirms that the skin around the eyes is much thinner than the skin elsewhere on the face and body. As a result, it’s more susceptible to damage and aging. This is why the eye area often develops wrinkles before the rest of the face does. This is also why the eye area would benefit from a couple of specialized skincare formulas…

How to Care for the Skin Around Your Eyes

Eye Serum Concentrate

As always, you should begin with a cleanse before applying anything else to your skin. Go ahead and use your regular facial cleanser on your eye area, so long as you’ve picked a gentle formula.

Then, find an eye serum that’s capable of targeting your main visible skin concerns. The CB Eye Serum Concentrate, for example, is designed to fade the appearance of dark circles and puffiness. At the same time, it will also hydrate thirsty skin cells while softening the look of crow’s feet.

Follow your eye serum up with an eye cream, such as the CB ProLift Eye Firming Cream. With nettle leaf, apple fiber, and aloe vera, this moisturizer is a great one for firming and tightening the look of loose skin and wrinkles around the eyes. 

If you have some extra time to spare, then you could also squeeze an eye mask in. Apply this after cleansing, before reaching for your eye serum. The CB BioLeaf Hydrating Facial & Eye Mask would be a great choice. It feels incredibly soothing, making it ideal for pampering your delicate skin. At the same time, it will also leave your eye area looking stronger and beautifully renewed.

Self Care Skincare Rituals From CBGärdN

It’s easy to fall into a rut with skincare, making your daily regimen feel more like a chore than a self care practice. However, start adopting the skincare rituals shared above and you’ll be able to change this, giving you a routine that you can once again look forward to each day.

Click here to browse more bestselling skincare products from CBGärdN.

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